General Information

Official congress language

Official language in Sweden

The currency in Finland is Euro .

Weather in Helsinki
The temperature could be anything between +5 and -20. It sometimes sunny, but mostly cloudy.

Safety in Helsinki
Helsinki is a safe city with a very low crime rate. Nevertheless, good urban and cautious behavior is always recommended.

Helsinki has an excellent public transport system (HSL) comprising bus, tram, metro, commuter train and ferry services. With a single ticket you can hop aboard trams, buses, the metro and even the municipal ferry to Suomenlinna. You can even change from one mode of transport to another as long as your ticket is still valid. Single tickets can be purchased using the HSL mobile app or from HSL ticket machines, R-kiosks and other HSL sales points. Read more 

Emergency contacts

The Meeting Planners: + 45 60217421

The Meeting Planners
Lyngby Hovedgade 44, 1 A
2800 Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark
Phone: +45 6021 7421